Last Friday, February 7th, was a very special day at Eastern Christian Elementary School! Many students were anticipating this day since the first day of school back in August, and it finally arrived – the 100th day of school! Kindergarten-3rd grade students celebrated the 100th day of school in a variety of different ways. Check out this list of 100 things that students and/or teachers at ECES did on the 100th day of school! (See if you can guess which ones are things we do every day!)
- Dressed up as “100-year-olds”
- Laughed at teachers dressed up as “100-year-olds”
- Greeted friends and teachers
- Walked through decorated doorways
- Stepped through a giant cardboard cut out of the number 100
- Had classroom devotions
- Danced to oldies music
- Balanced on one foot for 100 seconds
- Whispered the alphabet repeatedly for 100 seconds
- Wrote the alphabet repeatedly for 100 seconds
- Counted to 10 repeatedly for 100 seconds
- Clapped hands for 100 seconds
- Recited pledges to the USA flag and Christian flag
- Counted by 1’s to 100
- Counted by 2’s to 100
- Counted by 5’s to 100
- Counted by 10’s to 100
- Made a list of 100 words
- Made 10 groups of 10
- Put 100 Fruit Loops on yarn necklaces
- Read “The Night Before the 100th Day of School”
- Created designs with 100 pattern blocks
- Wrote 100 tally marks
- Completed 100 chart puzzles
- 100 jumping jacks
- 100 squats
- 100 high knees
- Read God’s Word
- Put our names on our papers
- Wrote about what life will be like when we are 100
- Listened to classical music
- Played “POP” (a counting game)
- Made pizza pan sized chocolate chip cookies with 100 chocolate chips
- Cut, shared, and ate giant chocolate chip cookies
- Recited our weekly Bible verse
- Made rainbow colored 100th day headbands
- Read “The 100th Day of School”
- Worshipped God by singing praises
- Enjoyed indoor recess games
- Played with friends
- Completed Mrs. Veenstra’s “jungle” obstacle course in the gym
- Swung on the rope
- Balanced on the balance beam
- Ran through the “waterfall”
- Hopped through hula hoops
- Jumped over jump ropes
- Imagined what we will look like when we are 100
- Wrote and illustrated a class book: “Things We’ve Been Told 100 Times”
- Completed the sentence “I would want 100 _____, but not 100 _______!”
- Flipped over a deck of cards and added the numbers until we reached 100
- Solved a division puzzle that looked like the number 100 as a finished product
- Used 100 connecting cubes to create something
- Rolled the dice and added numbers until we reached 100
- Raised our hands to ask questions
- Colored a crown that said, “I’m 100 days smarter!”
- Wrote on post it notes to complete this sentence: “On the first day of school I couldn’t ____________, but on the 100th day I now can!”
- Washed our hands for 100 seconds
- Ate snacks 100 minutes into the school day
- Wore glasses
- Wore buns in our hair
- Wore suspenders
- Wore pearls
- Wore our parents’ (or grandparents’) clothes
- Put baby powder in our hair
- Walked with canes
- Walked with umbrellas
- Wore shawls
- Wore caps
- Wore bow ties
- Wore wigs
- Wore fake mustaches and beards
- Wore curlers in our hair
- Endured headaches from wearing buns, wigs, and curlers in our hair
- Colored and assembled 100th day glasses
- Read “Miss Bindergarten Celebrates the 100th Day of Kindergarten”
- Prayed to God
- Ate lunch 100 minutes after snack time
- Counted 100 pennies
- Counted 20 nickels
- Counted 10 dimes
- Counted 4 quarters
- Looked for patterns on a hundred chart
- Wrote in missing numbers on a hundred chart
- Made 100th day hats
- Attended “specials” classes (Computers, Music, PE)
- Practiced writing and identifying numerals
- Counted 100 popsicle sticks
- Wrote what we would do with $100
- Took 100 steps in the hallway
- Wrote about what we want to be remembered for when we are 100
- Sang about the 100th day of school
- Gave thanks for 100 blessings in our lives (and could have continued!)
- Stayed quiet for 100 seconds
- Took class pictures
- Colored pictures of what we would look like as “100 year olds”
- Glued cotton balls on our “100 year old” projects
- Cut construction paper, doilies, and lace for our “100 year old” projects
- Completed STEAM challenges with 100 Legos
- Shared our favorite school memory in the last 100 days
And finally #100: Reflected on all that we’ve learned in the last 100 days!
Jenna Beverly
Elementary School, News